Account Management
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The "Maintain Account" page serves the purpose of maintaining the Users of the application, i.e. creating new ones, editing existing ones, etc.
To create a new User, click the "Add User" Button in the Toolbar of the page. It will trigger the opening of a Modal that contains a Form where you can enter all relevant information of the User you want to add:
When all required Inputs are properly filled, clicking the "Save" Button will add the new User to the database.
To edit or delete an existing User, click the "Edit" Icon in the row of the specific User. It will open the following Modal:
In the left, you can change information about the User and in the right, you can make changes to the Roles that are assigned to them. Clicking the "Save" Button lets you save the edits you made.
To delete the User, simply click the "Delete" Button.
It is also possible to reset the password of the specific User. To do this, simply click the "Reset Password" Button.
Roles specify which Actions a User is allowed to take. To which Roles a User is linked can be edited in the Editing Modal (see above) or by clicking the "Role" icon in the row of the specific User, which opens the following Modal:
Simply select all the Roles the User is supposed to have and uncheck all the Roles a User should not have. Which Actions are allowed to be executed by which Roles is specified in the Access Control page.
It is also possible to print information about a User. To do this, click the "Print" icon in the row of the specific User. It will open the following Modal:
You can configure the settings displayed in the Form and then click the "Print" Button to print it or click the "Preview" Button to first view how the printed document would look like.